modification, disabled vehicle, door system, steering system, ergonomicsAbstract
A wheelchair user electric car is a vehicle that is used specifically for people with disabilities with legs that has features, namely doors that can be opened and closed automatically and a steering wheel that is specifically for wheelchair users. The door opening and closing system on electric cars for wheelchair users was previously still done manually and the position of the steering mechanism was not ergonomic for wheelchair users. This modification of the electric car for wheelchair users was carried out to improve the doors and steering wheel to make it more ergonomic. The design of the door opening and closing system of this electric car refers to the VDI 2222 method with four stages of planning, concept creation, design, and completion. The drive mechanism on the door uses a DC motor with the help of pulleys and steel wires, while the steering wheel is made more proportional to wheelchair users. With this, the test results obtained in the form of a door-moving pull force issued by the motor to pull the steel rope, which is 85 N and the tilt angle produced when the wheel turns a maximum of 39.6˚.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Audia Maulina, Aidin Vidiatama, M Gerry Lazuardi, Subkhan Subkhan, Rodika Rodika

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