Jambu Mete, Biji Jambu Mete, VDI 2222Abstract
One of the leading commodities of the plantation is cashew. Cashew nuts themselves have seeds that are outside the fruit, which we often know as cashews. In Bangka Belitung, cashew plantations have become a plantation commodity which is a very promising business opportunity for farmers. In Bangka Belitung, there are no MSMEs that produce cashew nuts en masse. Make sure this is a great opportunity for farmers to engage in cashew nut business in Bangka Belitung. Along with the times, of course, the processing of cashew nuts must be even more so that the production of cashew nuts is of good quality. This cashew nut peeler machine is designed using the VDI 2222 Design Method where the method has 4 grooves, namely planning, conceptualizing, designing, and completing. Through this design method, the results of the movement analysis and calculations on the machine are obtained, where the machine design can perform a rotational movement of 25 Rpm by performing 2 times the stripping process in 1 rotation with an estimated capacity of 21 kg/hour.
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