
  • Zhorif Ghozi Hamaam politeknik manufaktur negeri bangka belitung
  • Risaldi politeknik manufaktur negeri bangka belitung
  • Muhammad Yunus politeknik manufaktur negeri bangka belitung
  • Idiar politeknik manufaktur negeri bangka belitung


Product , plastic injection, mold design


In the province of the Bangka Belkitung Islands, there has been no production of caps for drinking water gallons. Where depots producing “gallon” drinking water in the province of the Bangka Belitung Islands still buy “gallon” cap products from outside their area. To overcome this problem, plastic injection molding is needed to make a "gallon" drinking water cap product. The concrete will be made with a 2 plate mold type of concrete in injection molding. The material used in the product uses polypropylene because it is flexible and lightweight. The product will be produced in the Laboratory of the Manufacturing Polytechnic using the Arburg 420 C machine. The product design is needed to prevent product defects such as sinkmarks, short shots, weld lines and air traps so that the resulting product has good quality. In solving this research problem, a flow chart is used so that the actions taken are directed and controlled so that there are no deviations that are too far from the expected target. This research conducts flow simulation by applying simulation on computer software. By setting the machine setting parameters from the simulation results, such as injection pressure of 20 Mpa and clamping force of 101.97 tons, the printed design is expected to produce a "gallon" cap of drinking water without experiencing product defects.


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Arburg, Manual Plastic Technology course KT4 Moulded Part, Injections Mold.

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How to Cite

Ghozi Hamaam, Z., Risaldi, Yunus, M. ., & Idiar. (2022). DESAIN CETAKAN INJEKSI PLASTIK PRODUK TUTUP “GALON” AIR MINUM. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 2(02), 336–342. Retrieved from

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