
  • Muhammad Ali Irfan 5Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung
  • Robi Maulana
  • Vherryandra Vherryandra
  • Muhammad Yunus
  • Hasdiansah Hasdiansah


feed, stirrer, cow, screw


Feed is a snack and fattening food for cattle, made from sweet potato pulp, oil palm cake and elephant grass. Nowadays, many cattle breeders use this mixed feed as fattening food. However, in the process of mixing feed there are still obstacles, namely manually and requires a relatively long time. Based on these needs, a cow feed mixer machine was designed and built using the VDI 2222 design method which has 4 (four) stages, namely planning, conceptualizing, designing and finishing. The conceptualizing stage resulted in three variants of the design concept which were assessed based on technical and economic aspects. The concept that has been selected is then optimized for several alternative functions and calculated parts that are considered critical. Furthermore, a cow feed mixer machine was made with a driving component using a screw to stir cow feed. Based on the test results, the machine is able to stir 50 kg capacity cattle feed for 5 minutes.


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Hasdiansah, H., Pristiansyah, P. and Feriadi, I. (2021) “IPTEK BAGI MASYARAKAT PEMANFAATAN TURBOJET DRIVE PRODUK 3D PRINTING UNTUK PERAHU NELAYAN SUNGAI DESA SEMPAN-BANGKA”, Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Polmanbabel, 1(01), pp. 14-20. doi: 10.33504/dulang.v1i01.157.

Pristiansyah, P., Hasdiansah, H. and Haritsah Amrullah, M. (2022) “IPTEK BAGI MASYARAKAT MESIN PERONTOK PADI DI DESA BANYU ASIN”, Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Polmanbabel, 2(01), pp. 10 - 17. doi: 10.33504/dulang.v2i01.191.

Pristiansyah, P., Hasdiansah, H. and Sugiyarto, S. (2021) “IPTEK BAGI MASYARAKAT MESIN PENCACAH PELEPAH DAN DAUN KELAPA SAWIT UNTUK PAKAN SAPI DI DESA SEMPAN”, Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Polmanbabel, 1(01), pp. 1 - 7. doi: 10.33504/dulang.v1i01.150




How to Cite

Irfan, M. A., Maulana, R., Vherryandra, V., Yunus, M., & Hasdiansah, H. (2022). MESIN PENGADUK PAKAN SAPI KAPASITAS 50kg/5menit. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 2(02), 133–137. Retrieved from

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