
  • Fenni Yulianti
  • Ipandi Ipandi
  • Kasa Nopa
  • Zaldy Kurniawan
  • Amril Reza


Foot press method, Paving block printer, Hexagon type, VDI 2222


Paving block is a type of building material made from a mixture of portland cement or a similar adhesive, water and aggregate which is formed in a predetermined shape and quality. Paving blocks are used as an alternative to cover or cover the ground surface for roads, sidewalks and parking lots. Concrete block and cone block are other terms used to describe paving blocks. Several forms of paving blocks that are commonly sold include hexantik (the hexagonal type with hexagonal carvings in the middle) and others. There are several problems with conventional paving block manufacturing processes, such as the inability to increase production time efficiency and the inability to fulfill large-scale orders. From these problems, questions arise about how paving block entrepreneurs can produce more products in one working day and estimate production time. The purpose of making a Hexagon Type Paving Block Printer Using Feet is as follows: Designing and Making a Hexagon Type Paving Block Printing Tool Using Feet. Collecting data and analyzing it then carrying out the design and calculation is the method used in this final project. The trial results show that this paving block printer can print in 1 minute by producing 2 paving block products within 8 working hours to produce 960 pcs per day.


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How to Cite

Yulianti, F., Ipandi, I., Nopa, K., Kurniawan, Z., & Reza, A. (2023). RANCANG BANGUN ALAT PENCETAK PAVING BLOCK TIPE HEXAGON MENGGUNAKAN KAKI. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 3(01), 32–37. Retrieved from http://snitt.polman-babel.ac.id/index.php/snitt/article/view/406

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