Generator set, Automatic Main Failure, PZEM-004T, Node-redAbstract
A generator set is a device that uses diesel fuel to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. When the power fails, the generator can function as a substitute for the PLN source. To turn on the generator automatically, it can use AMF so that it can save time. To turn on the generator manually using the AMF system that can switch PLN to the generator with an average time of 4.83 seconds. The generator can function if the parameters have been met. The control and monitoring system can be done using a PZEM-004T sensor that can measure voltage, current, and frequency. Then the parameter that must be met is the fuel capacity if the fuel level is at the minimum point <13% then the generator cannot be turned on as well as the oil capacity if the sensor is in a low state the generator will not turn on. All these parameters will be displayed on the red node which is connected to the internet and can be accessed remotely.
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