
  • Yudhi Yudhi
  • Rizki Meisarah Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung
  • Mareta Zirana Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung
  • Irwan Irwan


fertile, infertile, power backup, chicken eggs, IoT


Chicken farming can be a trading business that can help the community's economy. The chicken trade is used for eggs and meat as a trading value. In chicken farming, to maintain egg quality, it is very important to provide tools to control egg development. The problem that is often faced by chicken farmers is how to incubate chicken eggs effectively and efficiently. The hatching process takes ±21-22 days with a temperature of 37°C-39°C and humidity between 55% -60%. This research aims to allow users to monitor temperature and humidity in the hatchery and encourage chicken farms to provide superior seeds in large quantities and create IoT-based hatchery tools so that they can help breeders or tool users monitor conditions inside the equipment. hatching both at close range and far. The research method used involved gathering information from testing and testing the tool. The data generated from the incubator automation process can be monitored, controlled, and sent in real-time via the LCD. For manual control, the user can directly use the buttons available on the Blynk application if the device is connected to the internet, this will make it easier for the user if an error occurs in the incubator. To determine whether the eggs are fertile or infertile, an examination is carried out using a flashlight after the eggs are incubated for 4 days. The DHT-21 sensor test was carried out to compare the temperature value produced by the sensor with a thermometer, and found an error value of 0.56%. The percentage of successful hatching of fertile eggs was 89.2% and the failure rate was 10.8%. It is recommended to provide a power backup so that the incubator continues to operate when a power outage occurs, so that the hatching process is not disturbed.


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How to Cite

Yudhi, Y., Meisarah, R., Zirana, M. ., & Irwan, I. (2023). PROTOTYPE ALAT PENETAS TELUR BERBASIS IoT. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 3(01), 184–189. Retrieved from

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