
  • Muhammad Rafly Fadhel
  • Syahrul Ramadani Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung
  • Ocsirendi Ocsirendi
  • Indra Dwisaputra


Doorbell, IoT, ESP32, Telegram


With the advancement of technology, a conventional electric bell system was invented that is used to inform homeowners when a guest arrives. However, when homeowners are not at home, they cannot know the arrival of guests. The purpose of this research is to enable homeowners to know the arrival of guests through a telegram notification system. When a guest presses a button, a notification will appear on the homeowner's smartphone using the Android operating system. The homeowner can send a text message to the guest, either to allow entry or ask the guest to wait for a while. The results of this study show that the homeowner can communicate with the guest through a message sent through the Telegram application, and the message can also be displayed on the LCD screen in an average time of 2,8 seconds. Conversely, guests can send a message to the homeowner by pressing a button, and the message will be instantly received via Telegram. Thus, the guest can know whether the homeowner is at home or not, and the homeowner can also know the identity of the guest who came. In other words, the conclusion is that guests and homeowners can communicate two-way through this system.


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A. Fajardi, A. G. Putrada, and M. Abdurohman, “Pengujian Smart Doorbell Menggunakan Kamera dan Metode Haar-Cascade,” vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 9336– 9346, 2019.

B. H. Nugroho, “Sistem Doorcam Berbasis Mini Pc Raspberry Pi,”2019.

S. G. Anggraeni, “Pengembangan Sistem Doorcam Berbasis Mini Pc Raspberry Pi,” 2020.

Sujono and E. Aqilah, “Bel Rumah Otomatis berbasis IoT menggunakan Sensor Pir dan NodeMCU,” Epic (Exact Pap. Compil., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 211– 218, 2020.




How to Cite

Rafly Fadhel, M., Ramadani, S., Ocsirendi, O., & Dwisaputra, I. (2023). SMART DOORBELL MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM NOTIFIKASI TELEGRAM. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 3(01), 147–151. Retrieved from

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