
  • Dimas Zuendi Saputra Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung
  • Rahmad Akbar
  • Aan Febriansyah
  • Surojo Surojo


Skorboard, IoT, Panel P5, Node MCU Esp32, Smartphone


The scoreboard or also known as the scoreboard is a tool that can provide scores or numbers in a match, to show the results of matches in the field of table tennis. Scoreboards that still use conventional technology are very inefficient in changing scores or grades. Therefore, a digital IoT-based table tennis scoreboard was created using an android application that was sent via a wifi connection which would be displayed on the p5 panel screen. The digital scoreboard displays player names, scores and sets with LED screen displays for easy viewing by spectators. The design of a digital scoreboard in table tennis uses Esp32 which is connected to several components, by connecting the P5 Panel then Esp32 will provide a network to the P5 panel and with the help of the kodular application the player's name, score and set can appear on the Panel screen P5 programmed using Arduino IDE. In the data retrieval trial, the IoT-based table tennis scoreboard design has a wifi connection speed or distance of about 25 meters with different sizes and the percentage of data received is 100 percent. As soon as the data distance passes 26 meters and above the data connection will be cut off from the smartphone and scoreboard. This is due to the distance factor which affects the process of sending data via Esp32 and writing coding in a programming language at a distance of 26 meters. Therefore, for storing Eeprom memory data, when the power goes out, the data will be temporarily saved and stored in Eeprom memory.


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How to Cite

Zuendi Saputra, D., Akbar, R., Febriansyah, A., & Surojo, S. (2023). PERANCANGAN PAPAN SKOR TENIS MEJA BERBASIS IoT. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 3(01), 215–220. Retrieved from

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