
  • Muhamamad Risab Ariedhandy
  • Muhammad Reza Ermansyah
  • Gita Pramudita
  • Zaldy Kurniawan
  • Muhammad Haritsah Amrullah


chips, machine, cutter, chopper, banana, VDI 2222


Some Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) making Bangka banana chips still use manual methods in the process of slicing banana chips. One of them is on Jalan Bukit Ubi, Air Kenanga Sungailiat Bangka, owned by Mr. Sayuti. Deficiencies that occur in manual systems are constrained at production time, not safety and uniformity of results. this research aims to design and manufacture a banana chip chopper with a vertical system so that it can assist the process of cutting banana chips with a capacity of 90 kg/hour. The designed machine is capable of slicing bananas with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. The method used in designing a banana chip chopper with a vertical system is the VDI 2222 design methodology starting with planning, conceptualizing, designing, and finishing. The results of the study obtained the design and manufacture of this machine using an electric motor 0.5 Hp 1400 rpm using a pulley and belt transmission system, with a cutting system using 2 detachable blades. Based on the results of the capacity trial produced by the installation of 6 bananas reached 72 kg/hour but had not reached the target of 90 kg/jam


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How to Cite

Risab Ariedhandy, M. ., Reza Ermansyah, M. ., Pramudita, G. ., Kurniawan, Z., & Haritsah Amrullah, M. . (2023). RANCANG BANGUN MESIN PERAJANG KERIPIK PISANG DENGAN SISTEM VERTIKAL. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 3(01), 93–98. Retrieved from http://snitt.polman-babel.ac.id/index.php/snitt/article/view/439

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