coffee, coffee fruit, peeler machineAbstract
Indonesia is one of the coffee producing countries in the world. Coffee in Indonesia has characteristics and a delicious aroma and tends to be bitter. Coffee plants in Indonesia grow at an altitude of 400-700 above sea level with a temperature of 24-30ºC. The problem raised in this research is how to design and build a coffee bean pulper machine so that the coffee beans can be peeled from the skin. With a target capacity of 8 kg/hour and the percentage of the coffee outer skin that is peeled 70. Based on the trial results of 3 times on the coffee bean peeling machine, the following results were obtained. In the first process of peeling the coffee skin with a time of 1 minute 30 seconds in 1 process it consumes 400 grams. In the 2nd trial results, within 3 minutes it produced 870 grams. And the results of the third trial with a time of 12 minutes produced 3600 grams. Based on the results of the design and manufacture of a coffee bean peeler machine using the VDI 2222 method and using the Inventor 2020 software, it produces a machine design that functions properly. This machine is able to peel coffee beans from the skin in 12 minutes to get a yield of 3600 grams, using an electric motor ¼ HP.
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