Pellet molding machine, Capacity, VDI 2222Abstract
The rapid pace of chicken and catfish farming in Indonesia has made the need for feed very important for breeders, for example breeders in Bangka Belitung, to be precise in Sempan Village. The high price of feed makes breeders process their own feed manually. Currently the processing of feed in the form of pellets can be used as an option. Therefore, a design and manufacture of a pellet molding machine was made for chicken and catfish feed to make it easier for farmers to provide feed. The design method used in completing this final project is VDI 2222 where this method makes it easier for designers to make designs. Based on the results of this design, a pellet molding machine design for chicken and catfish feed was obtained using an electric motor with a power of 0.5 HP and a rotation speed of 1400 rpm with pulley and belt transmission and a horizontal engine system using a screw as a suppressor. So that the results of the machine trials obtained were able to print pellets with a diameter of 3mm and 5mm with a capacity of 10 kg/hour.
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