
  • Mardatila Mardatila .
  • Nur Indah
  • Indra Dwisaputra
  • Surojo Surojo


Battery Capacity, Position Tracking, GPS, Thingspeak


Electric bicycles are an environmentally friendly means of traveling. This electric bicycle is designed to reduce emissions from oil-fueled vehicles and can be used as a means of recreation. Some problems that often occur with electric bicycles such as battery failure, suddenly the vehicle battery is weak, this can affect the vehicle system if there is continuous low battery, then the user cannot see the location of the electric bicycle if it is stolen. Therefore, in this final project, a tool for monitoring battery capacity, GPS position and usage time on electric bicycles is made by adding Internet of Things features using Thingspeak and Kodular to display data on voltage, battery percentage, latitude, longitude and timer. The aim of this final project is to make a tool that can display battery capacity, timer and location directly on the vehicle via a smartphone application. Tests were carried out with the results of the 2.3km mileage test, the battery voltage was reduced by 7 volts and the battery percentage decreased by 11%. Then at the level of accuracy of the location of the electric bicycle has a marker difference of approximately 4 meters. The battery voltage has a difference of 0.3 volts between multimeter measurements and IOT applications. From the test data it is calculated that the average error in this monitoring tool is less than 5%.


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How to Cite

Mardatila, M., Indah, N., Dwisaputra, I., & Surojo, S. (2023). SISTEM MONITORING KAPASITAS BATERAI, POSISI GPS DAN WAKTU PEMAKAIAN PADA SEPEDA LISTRIK. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 3(01), 289–294. Retrieved from

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