Physical Impairment, Brace aids, VDI 2222Abstract
Physically disabled is a type of physical disability. The term disabled comes from the word tuna which means less or loss and daksa which means body, so that it can be interpreted that disabled disabled is a bodily disorder that causes the function of the body to perform movements to experience abnormalities. Physical disability can also be interpreted specifically, namely a form of disability or disorder in the limbs such as muscles, bones, joints or nerves either congenital or caused by an accident. To make it easier for disabled people to carry out their daily activities, a brace design with a maximum weight of 60 kg was carried out. In designing this brace, the authors used the Verein Deutsche Ingenieuer (VDI 2222) design method which consisted of 4 stages, namely planning, conceptualizing, designing, completing. From the assessment of the morphology box, the variant chosen was the variant concept 2 (V2) with a value of 87.5%. from the concept variant, the existing sub-functions are then optimized so that good design results are obtained and are in accordance with what is desired. The results of the listed brace aid analysis show that the tool has a mass of 984 grams. This shows that the tool meets the demands of the user so that the user does not feel heavy when using the brace.
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