clearing, oil palm plantation, shrubs, VDI 2222Abstract
Shrublands are dry areas planted with a variety of natural plants that tend to be uniform in density, ranging from sparse to dense. The dominating plants are low plants that have scientific characteristics. Scrub is a major problem for rural communities that own oil palm plantations. The process of clearing shrubs in oil palm plantations still uses a riding lawn mower or manual tools. In order to make the process of cutting shrubs easier and less labor-intensive and costly, it is necessary to design a machine that can help the process of cutting shrubs in oil palm plantations. The design of the bush cutting machine uses the VDI 2222 (Verein Deutcher Ingenieure) design methodology which has 4 stages, such as planning, conceptualizing, designing, and completing. Based on the results of the design and trial of this shrubbery cutting machine, it is equipped with an engine cover that can protect against the risk of work accidents, uses a 5.5 hp combustion motor, uses a pulley and V-belt transmission system and uses 12 cutting edges that use the opposite direction or rotary cutting method. From the test results, the conclusion is that the bush cutting machine succeeded in cutting down shrubs with an average height of 10 cm.
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