
  • Evanita Cahyani politeknik manufaktur bangka belitung
  • Adhe Anggry
  • Somawardi Somawardi


Design, Heat Sealing Machine, lifter, Stress Simulation


A heat sealing machine is a machine for assembling batteries by melting the covers and battery containers, but in the assembly there are certain to be some rejects that occur, one of which is battery leakage. The purpose of this research is to reduce the riject of leakage in heat sealing, namely in the assembly process which is caused by the uneven height of the lifter comb plate. It was found that the pressure received by the lifter was able to reduce the maximum height of 266 mm lifter by 4.2 mm and the base lifter experienced a deflection of 0.00008 mm and the cylinder holder which was between the combs which caused the comb to be dismantled if there was damage to the cylinder, it was necessary to a new design to maintain a height of 266 mm with a lower limit tolerance of 0.00 on the lifter and cylinder holder which does not require disassembling the lifter in assembly. the research method used to complete the final project report is to make self-made implementation diagrams including data collection, analysis of old lifters, development of new designs, assessment of new designs, and analysis of new designs, while the concept assessment method uses the composite performance index (CPI) approach). Adding springs is the best way to maintain lifter height. The addition of this spring aims to help push the lifter comb plate up so that it can maintain a height of 266 mm. Minimizing disassembly of the comb plate, the cylinder seat is moved below the base so that it does not interfere with the lifter comb plate in the event of damage to the cylinder.


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How to Cite

Cahyani, E., Anggry, A. ., & Somawardi, S. (2023). PERANCANGAN LIFTER PADA HEAT SEALING MACHINE . Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan, 3(01), 343–348. Retrieved from

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